Reconnective Healing therapy is a form of energy healing that claims to use a new spectrum of healing frequencies to bring about physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. It is based on the idea that these frequencies can reconnect the body's energy pathways, allowing for healing to occur. The therapy is said to be a combination of ancient healing practices and cutting-edge science, and is considered to be a complementary or alternative therapy.
The history of energy healing dates back to ancient times, when many cultures used practices such as acupuncture, Reiki, and Qigong to promote healing and balance in the body.
Reconnective Healing is a newer form of energy healing that was developed in the 1990s by Dr. Eric Pearl. Dr. Pearl was a chiropractor who began to notice strange things happening in his practice. His patients reported that they were experiencing strange sensations during their appointments, such as seeing colors or feeling energy moving through their bodies.
Dr. Pearl initially dismissed these reports as coincidences, but after conducting further research and experimenting with the frequencies, he discovered that he was able to facilitate healing in his patients. He went on to develop the Reconnective Healing therapy, which he claims can help people to access a new spectrum of healing frequencies that can bring about physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing.
How Reconnective Healing Works
Reconnective Healing therapy is based on the idea that everything in the universe, including the human body, is made up of energy. When our energy pathways are blocked or out of balance, it can result in physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual distress. Reconnective Healing therapy is said to help balance the body's energy by reconnecting the energy pathways, allowing the body to heal itself.
The therapy is performed by a practitioner who has been trained in the techniques of Reconnective Healing. The practitioner does not use physical touch or manipulate the body in any way. Instead, they act as a facilitator, using their own energy to help the patient access the healing frequencies. The patient remains fully clothed during the therapy and simply lies down on a massage table.
The practitioner will use various techniques to help the patient access the healing frequencies, such as holding their hands in specific positions or moving their hands over the patient's body. During the therapy, the patient may experience strange sensations, such as seeing colors or feeling energy moving through their body.
Potential Benefits of Reconnective Healing
Reconnective Healing is claimed to have a wide range of benefits, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. Practitioners of the therapy say that it can help with chronic pain, stress, and various illnesses, as well as improve overall well-being. Some people have reported experiencing a sense of peace and calm after a Reconnective Healing session, as well as feeling more energized and refreshed.